On February 25, 42 students from Miami Dade College’s Honors College, accompanied by four of their professors, arrived in Salzburg for GCS1 of the Global Citizenship Alliance.
For the 13th consecutive year, MDC has sent their best and brightest. They were joined by teaching faculty Xenia Avezov, researcher with the SIPRI Armed Conflict and Conflict Management Programme; Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair at York University in Toronto, Canada where he teaches in the Graduate School; Alex Seago, dean of the School of Communication, Arts and Social Sciences and professor of cultural studies at Richmond, The American International University in London; and Reinhold Wagnleitner, former associate professor of modern history at the University of Salzburg. The overall theme for the week was the refugee situation in Europe and the students also dealt with this topic in their small groups. The goal of each group was to come up with an action plan that was presented at the end of the week.
It was a busy and very successful week and the group left for Vienna on March 3. The Global Citizenship Alliance is proud to have completed its first seminar.