Our Partnerships

Alliance Partners

Our partner institutions and alumni represent the broadest possible spectrum of U.S. higher education. For the Alliance, two features of our community stand out: diversity and inclusion.

Our participants come from some of the largest urban community colleges and some of the smallest rural liberal arts colleges in the U.S.; from typical public universities and private institutions. An engineering or biology student might sit and learn next to someone studying social work or nursing; a dean of a business school next to an adjunct professor from the music department, an LGBTQ activist next to a climate change skeptic. It takes the knowledge and involvement of all of these individuals to transform colleges and universities into sites of global citizenship education. Cross-national, cross-campus, interdisciplinary engagement is critical to success.

From the beginning, community colleges have been a driving force within the Alliance (overall, more than half of the total number of participants in the Alliance’s programs came via community colleges). By bringing the very best and brightest of their students to an academically rigorous program, community colleges add an enormous wealth of diversity to our seminars which enriches the exploration of the multiple dimensions of global citizenship. Discussions change when they include the voices and perspectives of “Dreamers”, minorities, socio-economically disadvantaged students, veterans, students who are parents or who both study and work full-time. Thanks to the ongoing strong commitment of community colleges to the Alliance, it is not unusual for a seminar to include participants from over ten different countries who often bear witness to the impact of rapid globalization from the viewpont of developing or emerging economies.

We are welcoming institutional partners globally in addition those based in the U.S.

Participating Universities & Colleges

between 2012-2024

Alderson-Broaddus College, WV
Austin Community College, TX
Bennett College for Women, NC
Berea College, KY
Bethune-Cookman University, FL
Bluefield College, VA
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Brevard College, NC
Bronx Community College (CUNY), NY
Campbellsville University, KY
Carson-Newman College, TN
Casper College, WY
Central Michigan University, MI
City Colleges of Chicago, IL
– Harold Washington College,
– Harry S. Truman College,
– Kennedy-King College,
– Malcom X College,
– Olive-Harvey College,
– Richard J. Darley College,
– Wilbur Wright College
Clark Atlanta University, GA
CUNY College Discovery & SEEK Program, NY
Dallas College/Dallas County Community
College District, TX
Davis & Elkins College, WV
Dillard University, LA
Duke University, NC
Eastern Kentucky University, KY
El Paso Community College, TX
Emory & Henry College, VA
Evergreen Valley College, CA
Ferrum College, VA
Fisk University, TN
Florida Memorial University, FL
Hampton University, VA
Hostos Community College (CUNY), NY
Houston Community College District, TX
Howard University, DC
Iowa State University, IA
John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), NY
King University, TN
Kingsborough Community College (CUNY), NY
LaGuardia Community College (CUNY), NY
Lee University, TN
Lees-McRae College, NC
Leigh High School, CA
Lincoln Memorial University, TM
Lindsey Wilson College, KY
Louisiana Community and Technical College
System, LA
Maricopa Community Colleges, AZ
Mars Hill University, NC
Miami Dade College, FL
Molloy University, NY
Morehouse College, GA
Murray State University, KY
North Carolina Central University, NC
Oakland Community College, MI
Prince Georges Community College, MD
Queensborough Community College (CUNY), NY
Saint Augustine’s College, NC
San Diego Community College District, CA
– San Diego City College
– San Diego Mesa College
– San Diego Miramar College
San Jose City College, CA
San Jose State University, CA
Santa Monica College, CA
Seminole State College, FL
Spelman College, GA
St. Francis College, NY
St. Mark’s School, MA
Tarrant County College District, TX
Trident Technical College, NC
Tusculum College, TN
University of Calgary, Canada
University of Charlson, WV
University of Guelph-Humber, Canada
University of Pikeville, KY
University of the District of Columbia, DC
Virginia Union University, VA
Warren Wilson College, NC
West Valley College, CA
West Virginia Wesleyan College, NC
Western Michigan University, MI
Wheaton College, IL
Wheeling Jesuit University, WV
Xavier University of Louisiana, LA

In Association with

Salzburg Global

The Global Citizenship Alliance was founded as an independent organization to continue, strengthen and expand the work of Salzburg Global’s successful Global Citizenship Program. As such the GCA continues to work in association with Salzburg Global in ways that are mutually beneficial to the GCA’s Statement of Purpose around global citizenship education and Salzburg Global’s commitment to global citizenship as well as its ongoing seminars focused on education. Salzburg Global has a long history of undertaking programs on innovation, excellence and equity in higher education – from the Universities Project and Visiting Advisors Program which worked with universities in the former Soviet Union to better operate under changing circumstances to the more recent series of seminars aimed at increasing educational access, opportunity, and success for underrepresented student populations worldwide.

The GCA is proud to be a part of this legacy and to continue working in association with Salzburg Global on common goals and projects.

Mellon Global Citizenship Program

The Mellon Global Citizenship Program (M-GCP) of the Salzburg Global Seminar supports thirty-six colleges and universities representing select Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and members of the Appalachian College Association (ACA) in their ongoing efforts to develop, implement and expand global citizenship education activities on their campuses and in collaboration with others involved in the M-GCP. It builds on the work of the Mellon Fellow Community Initiative. The M-GCP aims to enable cross-institutional activities, establish a framework for ongoing cooperation between M-GCP institutions, and pave the way to the establishment of an independent consortium dedicated to long-term collaborative global citizenship education activities. This is made possible by the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Because the M-GCP was an outgrowth of the Global Citizenship Program, its mission, vision and format are similar and complementary to the GCA’s programs. Many M-GCP partner schools have also been involved in the GCP.