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Meet Keshia Abraham – Director of Partnership Advancement

We are delighted to annonce a terrific addition to the GCA team: Keshia Abraham, a long-term friend and supporter of our program, is joining us as the new Director of Partnership Advancement to help expand the scope of our partner colleges and universities. Keshia first became involved in the GCA more than a decade ago when she attended one of our seminars as part of a delegation from Florida Memorial University (where she would later serve as Department Chair, Academic Dean and Director of International Education). The call for global citizenship  immediately resonated with her and her desire to make study abroad and international education more accessible for low income and minority students. Over the years, the connection with her grew stronger and she became more familiar with the GCA's operations as a participant of one of our faculty/administrators session and as a teaching faculty of a student seminar. With her thorough insights into the different aspects of our program and her strong commitment to our core values, Keshia will undoubtedly be a most cogent advocate and an ideal ambassador for the GCA. She is based in Miami, FL.

Our World in Data

Digging for reliable data and charts on topics that relate to the most pressing problems that the world is facing can be a difficult and time-consuming business. But look no further because Our World in Data  is a gold mine of relevant information which serves as a reference for journalists and scholars of many of the most highly regarded media outlets and universities. This is how the makers of this resource describe their goal: "To understand issues that are affecting billions, we need data. We need to carefully measure what we care about and make the results accessible in an understandable and public platform. This allows everyone to see the state of the world today and track where we are making progress, and where we are falling behind. The publication we are building has this goal. Through interactive data visualizations we can see how the world has changed; by summarizing the scientific literature we can understand why." Check out this website and its more than 3,000 charts across close to 300 topics! 


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